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2020/8/31 21:51:46

产品名称:聚包鲜® PVDC保鲜袋
产品标准: BB/T0014-2011
产品规格:22cm×18cm(30只/盒) ;27cm×28cm(30只/盒)
Product Name:JUBAOXIAN® PVDC bag
Product standards:BB/T0014-2011
“Jubaoxian” PVDC bag is made through co-extrusion of PVDC with PE/EAV materials. PVDC bags that have excellent barrier properties, transparency, surface gloss and sealing,is mainly used for food packaging with high barrier against moisture 、 oxygen and odor.The product is certified by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and the European Union EU/EC.
Product performance:
It has high barrier property against oxygen and moisture to keep fresh food for a longer time;
(2)It ensures that the food smell stays for a long time without any other flaour.
(3)It has a double zipper design with good sealing to extend the shelf life of food.
(4)The special zipper design; It is easy to open the bag from the outside to the inside and difficult to break from the inside out.
Product specifications:22cm×18cm(30 bags per box) ;27cm×28cm(30 bags per box)
性能指标Performance index:

Comparison of barrier properties between PVDC bag and other bag

注:薄膜厚度为25.4μm;气体透过率单位:cm3/m2.24h.23℃.atm.50%RH;水蒸气透过率单位为:g/m2.24h.38℃.90%RH 。
Note:Film thickness:25.4μm;Gas transmission rate unit:cm3/m2.24h.23℃.atm.50%RH;Water vapor transmission rate unit: g/m2.24h.38℃.90%RH 。

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