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2020/8/30 17:40:47

产品标准:GB/T 338-2011
分子式: CH3OH
理化性质:透明无色,纯品清淡,类似乙醇;粗品刺激难闻,密度0.791 g/mL at 25 °C,闪点52 °F(约11°C)。易燃,其蒸气与空气可形成爆炸性混合物。遇明火、高热能引起燃烧爆炸。与氧化剂接触发生化学反应或引起燃烧。在火场中,受热的容器有爆炸危险。能在较低处扩散到相当远的地方,遇明火会引着回燃。燃烧分解一氧化碳、二氧化碳。有剧毒。
1 product standard:GB/T 338-2011
2 molecular formula: CH3OH
3 physical and chemical properties: ransparent colorless, pure light, similar to ethanol; rough stimulation unpleasant smell, density 0.791 G / mL at 25 °C, Flash Point 52 F (about 11 °C) . Inflammable, its vapor and air can form an explosive mixture. Meet open fire, high heat energy cause combustion explosion. Contact with an oxidizing agent causes a chemical reaction or combustion. In a fire, a heated container is in danger of exploding. It can spread to a considerable distance at a lower point, and in the event of an open fire it will lead to a backburn. Combustion decomposes carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It's highly toxic.
4 Main uses:
Alcohols are widely used as basic organic chemical raw materials and high quality fuels. Mainly used in fine chemicals, plastics and other fields, used to manufacture formaldehyde, acetic acid, chloromethane, methyl amine, dimethyl sulfide and other organic products, but also pesticides, medicine, one of the important raw materials. After deep processing, methanol can be used as a new clean fuel and can also be blended with gasoline for combustion. Methanol reacts with ammonia to produce monomethylamine.


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